Shipping & Order Tracking

Want to track your order?

Simply follow the link below. Enter the tracking number we sent you via email, and you'll be able to see each step of the process one by one.

How long does it take for my jewelry to arrive?

The average time varies according to the jewel, it can take up to 8 working days, depending on your geographic location. The collection process starts from the moment you pay for the jewel.

The product I bought has not arrived, can you track my order?

Sure, by email we will share with you the tracking number so you can track your jewelry and where it is in the process. If you still do not receive the email, your jewelry is still in previous processes, such as collection or packaging. Link

Do you offer free shipping over a certain amount of purchase?

No, our payment gateway only accepts payments via credit or debit cards. Only for customizable products, this payment method option is available.

Can I change the size of a ring I already bought?

Yes, as long as you notify us before the product is in the packing process. The rings have sizes, you can find a format of measures in the following link.

How long does it take for my jewelry to arrive?

The average time varies depending on the jewel, it can take up to 8 working days, depending on your geographical location, remember that the collection process is in Colombia, so this starts from the moment you pay the jewel.

How long does it take to process my order before it is shipped?

The processing time of your order before shipping is 1 to 3 business days. This period includes the preparation, packaging and quality check of your jewelry.

Do you offer express shipping for rush orders?

We do not, but in most cases we will try to get your order to you in less time, so that it arrives within 5 business days.